Home Bursaries



A limited number of FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) Awards are available. These funds will cover costs of registration, shared accommodation in a double room (4 nights, May 17th - May 20th 2016), and travel expenses. The amount of the travel funding will be related to the distance from the applicant’s place of work to the venue of the workshop. These bursaries may be a maximum of 800 EUR per person . More information at the FEBS website on YTF guidelines.

Eligibility criteria — The applicant should be

  • Not older than 35;
  • Registered PhD student or post-doctoral scientist;
  • A member of a FEBS Constituent Society and must provide a valid certificate of membership;


  • The applicant sholud be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society, or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society.
  • The applicant must not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year.
  • The applicant cannot be a resident of the country hosting the event.
  • Young scientists from the Organizers’ laboratories are not eligible for FEBS YTF awards.
  • Only travel within the FEBS area from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event is supported.

IUBMB grants

Transcontinental IUBMB Grants are awarded to help young biochemists and molecular biologists from countries where biochemistry and molecular biology is less well developed to attend the workshop.  These funds will cover costs of registration, shared accommodation in a double room (4 nights, May 17th - May 20th 2016), and travel expenses. Applicants for an IUBMB grant have to fulfill the following conditions:

Eligibility criteria — The applicant should be

  • be a student (aged under 35) at an institution of higher learning in a country where there is a IUBMB-related international society such as FASBMB (Africa) / ASBMB (North America) / PABMB (South America & Canada), FAOBMB (Asia), OR be within five years of having completed a PhD Thesis.
  • be a member of any IUBMB-related national or international societies mentioned under 1.
  • not have received a TransYTF grant to attend a Course in the year 2016.

IUPAB grants

In accordance with the aims of International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) to encourage and support the development of Biophysics world-wide, IUPAB resources will be used to support the attendance of younger people/students from less developed countries at meetings when the host country is in the developed part of the world. 

These funds will cover costs of registration, shared accommodation in a double room (4 nights, May 17th - May 20th 2016), and travel expenses.

SEBBM and SBE Bursaries

The Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) and the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBEkindly sponsors several €200 bursaries

Eligibility criteria — The applicant should be

  • Be under 31 years old.
  • Prove attendance to the meeting.
  • Be an Ordinary or Associate Member of either SEBBM or SBE.
  • Be travelling from their current city of residence (any other than Sevilla)


  • Proof of age (DNI or passport) and either SEBBM or SBE membership status must be submitted in the application.
  • Bursaries will be granted by the organizing committee according to the scientific significance of the application submitted. 
  • The funds will be transferred after the event. Bursary recipients must prove attendance to the symposium so as to collect the funds.

How to apply

Please submit the following documents in your application:

  1. Short CV (max 3 pages) including research interests
  2. Letter of recommendation from the current or previous supervisor
  3. Proof of membership to a FEBS Constituent Society, IUBMB-related Society, IUPAB, or SEBBM
  4. Passport scanned copy as proof of age (applicants should be not older than 35)
  5. Abstract to be submitted to the workshop as first author

Notice: There is no need to pay your registration order before the award decision announcement to be made on 29 February 2016

Application closing date: 15 February 2016
Award decision announcement : 29 February 2016

Acknowledgements and special thanks for the financial support to: